This article will guide you through the process of closing the drawer. It's important to note that it is up to the business to decide how it uses and manages cash drawers, and most businesses typically open and close multiple cash drawers in a single business day. Nevertheless, you must close all drawers at the end of the day. Since the Parse Pay system requires an active drawer session to perform a transaction, at least one drawer will be closed each business day. 


Conditions to Close a Drawer

Drawers are closed at the end of a shift or at the end of the business day. In order to complete the process of closing a drawer, the following two conditions must be met:

  • All non-cash (credit card) tips must be finalized. 
  • All unpaid orders must be closed (paid for or voided) or transferred to another drawer.

If there are unfinalized tips and/or open (unpaid) orders, a notification will prompt you to complete either (or both) tasks before you can proceed with closing the drawer.  

Closing a Drawer

The process of closing a drawer is straightforward. Begin by tapping the hamburger menu located in the top-left corner of the screen and tap Close Drawer.

Step 1: Finalize All Tips (if applicable)

If tips are enabled, you must finalize all non-cash tips. If you do not have tips enabled, proceed to step 2.

  1. Tap the hamburger menu on the top-left corner of the screen and tap Tips.
  2. On the Tip screen, enter the tip amount for each transaction by tapping the ADD TIP button. For all non-cash transactions that do not have a tip, you can bulk assign $0 as the tip by tapping the $0 Remaining Tips button. Note that if you need to adjust a tip, you can do so in the Adjust menu tab located in the left-side menu. 
  3. Tap Finalize from the left-side menu and then tap the Finalize button to finalize all non-cash transactions. Note that the tip cannot be adjusted after it is finalized. 

Step 2: Transfer or Close Open Orders

All open (unpaid) orders must be transferred to another drawer or closed out (paid or voided) to close the cash drawer. If there are open orders, an error notification prompt indicating that there are open orders is displayed in the Close Drawer window. Tap the Transfer or Close Open Orders button or tap the Orders tab in the top menu bar. In the "Open" menu, tap RESUME next to the order to take payment or tap VIEW ORDER to void or transfer the order. 

The system also provides managers with the ability to transfer orders all open orders to another drawer if there is another drawer open. Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner and tap Bulk Order Transfer from the flyout menu. Enter the Manager PIN and tap the receiving drawer to transfer all open orders to that drawer. 

Upon transferring or closing all open orders, either individually or via the bulk order transfer feature, proceed with closing out the drawer.

Step 3: Pay Out Non-cash Tips and Gratuities (if applicable)

If tips are enabled, you have the ability to use the cash collected to payout tips and gratuities to employees when closing a drawer. The amount of tips and gratuities collected is displayed next to the respective line item in the Cash Summary section. 

  1. Tap the (Remaining $XX.XX) button in the Non-cash Tip Payouts row.
  2. The amount defaults to the total amount collected. If you want to pay out a different amount, enter the amount (up to the total amount of non-cash tips collected).
  3. Tap Next
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for Gratuities, if applicable.

Step 4: Reconcile Cash

Once all the conditions are met, proceed with closing out the drawer by counting the cash and entering the "Actual Cash in Drawer" amount in the numeric keypad. The system will compare this number to the "Expected Cash in Drawer" amount and calculate the difference. Tap the Close Drawer button to close the drawer and print the Closed Drawer Report.