With Parse Pay's Time Card and Payroll Management functionality, employees can clock in and out at the Parse Register for payroll record keeping. Managers can track employee hours and breaks in the Register and access timecard records and payroll summary reports in the BackOffice.


Employee Clock In/Out

Employees must have a profile created with a unique personal PIN in order to clock in/out at the Register. Please refer to the Adding Employees article to learn more. 

Clock In/Out

To clock in and out from a shared register:

  1. From the Login Screen, enter the four to eight-digit employee PIN and tap the Time Clock button.
  2. From the popup window, tap the Clock In button. 
  3. When your shift is over, repeat the first step and tap the Clock Out button.
If a current user is logged into the Parse Register, tap the hamburger menu in the top-left corner of the screen and tap Log Out to return to the Login Screen. 

Taking Breaks

To utilize the break feature, you must first Create Breaks in the Parse BackOffice in the Settings module. 

Starting a Break

To start a break from a shared register:

  1. If already clocked in, enter the employee PIN and tap Time Clock.
  2. Tap the Take a Break button.
  3. Select the applicable break (from those options created in the BackOffice) and tap Start Break.
Note that for unpaid breaks, the employee will be clocked out and must clock back in when returning from their break.

Ending a Paid Break

For paid breaks (e.g., 15-minute break), no action is required by the employee since the system did not clock them out. When starting the break, the success prompt will inform them of the time that their paid break will end.

Ending an Unpaid Break

For unpaid breaks (e.g., 60-minute lunch), the employee must clock back in when returning to work.

To end an unpaid break:

  1. From the Login Screen, enter the four to eight-digit employee PIN and tap the Time Clock button.
  2. From the popup window, tap the Clock In button.

Time Card Management

Administrators can view a summary of the daily Time Clock punches via the Manager Activities module on the login screen. The Time Card feature includes a list of all employee's Time Clock punches, the time they clocked in, the number of breaks taken, and the total hours worked for each shift. 

To access this report, from the login screen, enter the manager PIN and tap Manager Activities, and then tap Time Cards