If your business uses printed receipts and accepts tips, employees that accept tips need to add the tip to the paid check. In the article, we'll cover how to add tips in the system and how to adjust tips that were incorrectly entered.

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Add a Tip to a Paid Check

Adjust the Tip Already Added

Add a Tip to a Paid Check

To add a tip to a paid check:

  1. From the speed screen, tap the tab labeled ORDERS in the top-left corner of the screen. This will take you to the Orders screen, which by default displays all of the orders that have been submitted but not yet paid.
  2. To toggle over to paid orders, tap the COMPLETE tab in the top-right corner of the screen. This will display only orders that have been paid and includes information about the order such as the Ticket #, Payment Type (i.e., cash/credit/etc.), Order ID, Time, Check Amount, & Tip Amount (helpful for reconciling tips).
  3. Locate the ticket that you would like to add a tip to and press the “add tip” button in the far right column. Note that only orders with tips will display this button.
  4. Enter the amount of the tip using the on-screen keyboard and tap ADD TIP.

Adjust the Tip Already Added

If by chance the incorrect tip amount was entered, users can adjust the tip on a paid check during the same business day. It's worth noting that once the payment has been batched, the tip will not be adjustable. To adjust the tip already added:

  1. Similar to the process of adding tips, tap on the ORDERS tab and toggle over the paid orders by tapping the COMPLETE tab.
  2. The ADJUST TIP button is displayed in the far right column on orders where the tip was already added. To adjust the tip, tap ADJUST TIP.
  3. Enter the adjusted tip amount and press the ADJUST TIP button to update the order with the new tip amount.