Congratulations on receiving your new equipment. This quick start guide will assist you with self-installing the Elo PayPoint Plus all-in-one terminal and registering the device with your Parse Pay account.
Before You Start
Before setting up your new equipment, ensure that your site meets the setup requirements. You will need a power source conveniently located near the desired location plus a fast and reliable Internet connection. For additional information, check out our list of requirements or contact your Parse Pay Account Specialist.
Hardware Setup
Setting up the PayPoint Plus all-in-one solution is a breeze.
Step 1: Connect Power & Internet
The connections are located underneath the register. If using a LAN connection, plug the ethernet cable into the ethernet port (A). Next, plug the supplied power cord into the power connector (B) and plug the device into a power outlet.
Step 2: Install Receipt Paper
Flip the display head away from the receipt printer (in the customer-facing view). Pull the receipt printer release lever (C) to open the printer lid and install the supplied receipt printer. Note the correct paper orientation from the picture below.
Step 3: Power on Device
Press the power button (D) located on the back of the display head. If connected by LAN, the registration will start automatically. If using Wi-Fi, press and hold the power button for 3 seconds and release to enter the Wi-Fi setup page. Tap Networks and connect to your wireless network. The registration process will begin once the device establishes a connection to the network.